A collection of R packages for Community Environmental Modeling in R
The EcoHydRology package was started in 2010 by the members of the Cornell University Soil and Water group as a
collection of useful functions related to hydrology and earth systems.
Here is brief overview of some of the functions we have already added as of June 2012:
Radiation Approximations based on temperature:
Since we often only have temperature and precipitation data for a site,
we have put together some functions that allow us to approximate terrestrial radiation based on more
easily-accessible data such as daily temperature, latitude, day of the year (Jday), and geographical parameters such as aspect
and forest cover:
Solar radiation, including potential solar radiation at the edge of the atmosphere, atmospheric transmissivity
Atmospheric and terrestrial longwave radiation
Modeling important hydrologic processes based on radiation.
We use the radiation approximation functions to help us estimate important hydrologic processes:
approximating snow melt: SnowMelt
potential evapo-transpiration (PET) using the Priestley-Taylor (1972) method: PET_fromTemp
Producing simple hydrological output:
Making a hydrograph: hydrograph
Baseflow separation: BaseflowSeparation
Data Collection:
Access reanalysis of NCEP (National Centers for Environmental Prediction) output: get_cfsr
Legacy Hydrology Packages
MODFLOW (in development)
The project summary page is located here.
The binary download page is located here.